Sign up here to become an ALTE Individual Affiliate. It's free, and you will receive news from ALTE about its events and activities, as well as news from carefully selected other relevant activities from third parties. By completing this information and registering you agree that the information you provide will be stored by ALTE in its internal systems based in the United Kingdom as well as the WildApricot Membership software based in Canada that we use. All data will be kept secure and only used to process your application and to send you emails from ALTE. ALTE will never pass your details on to any third party without your additional consent. Els afiliats particulars no solen assistir als SIG d'ALTE ni a les reunions restringides dels membres.Tanmateix, un afiliat particular pot assistir ocasionalment a una reunió per un motiu específic si un membre expert titular o particular l'hi convida, sempre que compti amb l'acord d'ALTE i pagui les tarifes d'assistència pertinents. Individual Affiliates unfortunately do not receive any discount on course or conference attendance. You may unsubscribe and thus withdraw your affiliation at any time by writing to |