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Not just different, but betterNick Saville |
Multilingual assessment integrated with language policy: Lessons from research and new initiatives for equality and justiceElana Shohamy |
Can tests be fair and valid?Barry O'Sullivan |
Language testing ethics, and our place in the ecosystemBart Deygers |
ALTRES PRESENTACIONS: Dimecres 28 d'abril, 2021 |
OECD: The PISA 2025 Foreign Language Assessment, Catalina Covacevich Measuring cognitive processes in assessment contexts, Elaine Schmidt What's the point of assessment? ? Making it fit for humans, Amy Devine and Tom Booth - Only Power Point slides available Optimiser l'arbitrage grâce à la notation automatique, Dominique Casanova Personalised Assessment, Mark Elliott Using Data, Andrew Caines LAMI WORKSHOP An introduction to the theme ‘Uneven profiles’, Brian North | From watching to reaction and finally to action: a brief history of remote proctoring, Vincent Folny The ALTE Principles of Good Practice 2020 – Origins - Principles - Practice - Support – Dr Nick Saville & Dr Waldemar Martyniuk The ALTE Principles of Good Practice - Contributions from ALTE Members - Dr Dina Vilcu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania The ALTE Principles of Good Practice - Contributions from ALTE Members - Kateřina Vodičková, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The ALTE Principles of Good Practice - critical reflections and comments by Salomé Villa Larenas, The Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment, (LAALTA)
The ALTE Principles of Good Practice - critical reflections and comments by Peter Lenz, European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA) |
Dijous 29 d'abril, 2021 |
Eaquals: Looking back, looking forward - Lessons learned from the ongoing Covid emergency, Lou McLaughlin Is large-scale testing antithetical to learning-oriented language assessment? Part 1, Jessica Wu, Liying Cheng, Nick Saville Is large-scale testing antithetical to learning-oriented language assessment? Part 2, Atta Gebril Is large-scale testing antithetical to learning-oriented language assessment? Part 3, Tony Green Is large-scale testing antithetical to learning-oriented language assessment? Part 4, Q&A GDPR and Remote Proctoring, Ian Hanahoe Implications of the CEFR-Companion Volume for language assessment, Brian North Helping or hindering? The opportunities and challenges of assessing interactional skills using video-call technology, Hye-won Lee and Mina Patel Portuguese as a Foreign Language in China: testing challenges in future regarding contexts, profiles and pandemic restrictions, Catarina Gaspar, Maria Jose Grosso and Milena Sousa Social justice and structural racism: the role of language, language tests and language testers, Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen Adaptive testing: New challenges in assessment. Case study of esPro, Marta Garcia and Yiannis Papargyris Scholarship Winning Presentations (1): Using multilevel path analysis to model factors affecting collocational knowledge, Ivy Chen; Integrated reading-into-writing tasks: Do they really generate authentic and complex cognitive processes?, Alina Reid Scholarship Winning Presentations (2): Mediating communication by plurilingual speakers in Madrid: a roadmap to assessing online and on-site social practices in post-Covid times, Antonio Ramos-Alvarez; Item performance in context: Differential item functioning between pilot and formal administration of the Norwegian Language Test, Ga Young Yoon | Council of Europe Education Policy Division: Plurilingual and intercultural education for democracy, Ahmet-Murat Kılıç Council of Europe European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML): The dynamics of multilingual assessment, Sarah Breslin and Jose Noijons Assessing less commonly taught languages in times of declining enrolments and Covid: Addressing challenges and creating opportunities. Part 1, Koen van Gorp Assessing less commonly taught languages in times of declining enrolments and Covid: Addressing challenges and creating opportunities. Part 2, Dina Vilcu Assessing less commonly taught languages in times of declining enrolments and Covid: Addressing challenges and creating opportunities. Part 3, Ina Ferbežar Assessing less commonly taught languages in times of declining enrolments and Covid: Addressing challenges and creating opportunities. Part 4, Emyr Davies Inclusivity issues in language assessment, Ron Zeronis 'I teach in a non-traditional way so I need non-traditional assessment': Teachers' assessment beliefs and practices in virtual exchange, Anna Czura Automarking as a supplementary tool for arbitration between raters, Dominique Casanova Impacto del COVID en el presente y el futuro de los exámenes de dominio del Instituto Cervantes, Javier Fruns Giminez y Ines Soria Pastor Language educators working online during the Covid-19 pandemic: Learning, teaching and assessment practices in the limelight, Jenny Liontou Statistical procedures for enhancing the fairness of TYS, Burak Aydin Online proctoring: what opportunities beyond Covid-19?, Alice Niezborala |
Divendres 30 d'abril, 2021 |
Aligning mediation tasks to the CEFR, Caroline Shackleton and Adolfo Sanchez Cuadrado Chances and challenges of online testing for sign language proficiency, Tobias Haug Fair and just arrangements for dyslexic test takers? Hanne Lauvik and Stine Sørlie
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Integrating mediation skills into a computer-based speaking test, Jing Xu and Annabelle Pinnington Standard Setting in the Covid world, Jane Lloyd | Challenges for the workplace language proficiency assessment: a case study in the aviation environment, Neil Bullock Exámenes adaptativos. Nuevos retos para la evaluación. LC USAL esPro. Un estudio de caso, Marta García GDPR and automarking, Ian Hanahoe Let's give teachers a hand, Marie-Therese Swabey What challenges might there be for language assessment in the 2020s? Lynda Taylor |