This workshop introduces you to key concepts and terminology in language assessment. It also provides an overview of ALTE and what kind of support and guidance we offer to our members, and what to expect from our conferences and events.
After outlining the activities, committees and basic organisation of ALTE, the course focuses on basic assessment terminology and concepts in several key areas:
· Welcome to ALTE: who we are and how we support membersThis workshop is intended for those individual or associate members who are new to ALTE, or new to assessment, or who are taking on an assessment focused role for the first time, or who have just joined a member organisation. No previous knowledge of assessment is required. This is an entry level workshop.
This workshop is delivered online. It consists of bite-size introductory input, interactive discussions, and Q&A. The session will consist of four 1-hour sessions, with breaks in between.
This course does not require any specific software, but it is a paper-free ‘green’ workshop, and all material will be delivered/shared online. You will need your own laptop.
The course will be presented
by Jane Lloyd (Cambridge University Press and Assessment). Jane is
Senior Research Manager at Cambridge English. Her main responsibilities are
leading on standard setting for Cambridge exams, working on large-scale
educational reform projects with ministries and NGOs, and working for ALTE. Her
work for ALTE is to support other national language test providers.
includes: statistical analysis of items, analysis of rater performance,
research into exam and language use at regional and national level, courses and
training in assessment, preparation for audits, and training for item writers,
test designers and raters.
Jane has a degree in Linguistics, a DELTA, an MA in
Linguistics and TESOL, and an MA in Language Testing. She is currently studying
for a PhD in Language Testing at CRELLA.
The date for the next Introduction to ALTE Course is to be confirmed.
Registration for the next course is not yet open.
If you would like to express your interest in this course, or any other ALTE course, please click here.
For group bookings, ALTE advises to book a maximum of three places per organisation.
Full payment is required on registration. We strongly recommend that payment is made online using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express. However, if it is not possible to pay with a credit/debit card when registering, please contact the ALTE Services Unit ( to request an invoice with bank transfer payment instructions.